1 | Yield of forest products | Log Production summary | As logging operations have seized in year 2000, production records are no longer available. | |
2 | Growth Rates | Summary tables of annual inventory results since PSP establishment | Since PSP only started in 2017 summary table of annual inventory will only be available after the first remeasurement, scheduled for year 2018. Refer separate schedule on PSP data collection. | Annex 1 |
3 | Forest Regeneration | Species composition and no. of trees in the 5 - 10 cm diameter class | Forest regeneration has been calculated using the results of the FRA, which has been completed in January 2017. | Annex 2 |
4 | Forest Condition | Diameter distribution and quality | Forest conditions have been described in a Forest Resource Assessment Report prepared by ifmc in March 2017. | Annex 3 |
5 | Composition of flora and fauna | List of flora and fauna found in FMU | Lists for Flora and Fauna occurring in the FMU have been prepared based on Wildlife monitoring and Forest Resource Assessment (refer Annex). | Annex 4 |
6 | Changes in flora and fauna | Number and abundance of species found in FMU | Changes can only be determined after longer-term observation and comparison and analysis of flora and fauna occurring in FMU, using multi-year observation of PSPs, wildlife transects and camera trapping. | Annex 5 |
| | Comparison of recent with earlier assessments | Refer annex. Changes in flora will only be available after multi-year analysis of PSPs. | Annex 6 |
7 | Environmental impacts of forest operations | Harvesting impacts | Post harvesting Inspection will be implemented after harvesting operations have started. Expected to commence after year 2018. | Annex 7 |
| | Overall: no. of EIA non-compliances | As shown in Annex. | Annex 8 |
8 | Social impacts of forest operations | Evidence of proactive community collaboration (SBS) | As shown in Annex. | Annex 9 |
| | Evidence of provision of community services | As shown in Annex. | Annex 10 |
| | No. of joint HCV identifications | As shown in Annex. | Annex 11 |
| | No. of forest encroachments | As shown in Annex. | Annex 12 |
| | No . of complaints, disputes and conflicts encountered with directly affected local communities | No incident reported. | |
| | No of property damages | No incident reported. | |
9 | Safety and Health | No. of serious accidents p.a. over time | No serious incident reported. | Annex 13 |
| | No. of minor accidents p.a. over time | As shown in Annex. | |
| | No. of near miss incidents p.a. over time | As shown in Annex. | |
10 | Cost of forest management | Harvesting cost per ha | There are no current harvesting cost for NFM. Overall NFM Budget as shown in Annex. | Annex 14 |
| | Administration/overheads per ha | Budget as shown in Annex. | |
11 | Harvesting progress | Harvested area and volume per annum | As operations have seized in year 2000, production records are no longer available. Harvesting operations will only be resumed after year 2018. | |
12 | Forest Protection | No. of forest encroachments p.a. over time | As shown in Annex. | Annex 15 |
13 | Occurrence of forest fires | As shown in Annex. | As shown in Annex. | Annex 16 |
14 | Efficiency of forest management | Machine productivity by contractor (production/machine hour, production/machine/month | Productivity will be determined after harvesting operations have resumed. Data from previous harvesting before year 2000 are no longer available. | |
| | Total harvesting cost per m3 delivered to log yard, compared to industry benchmark | Harvesting cost will be determined after harvesting operations have resumed. Data from previous harvesting before year 2000 are no longer available. | |
| | Area and cost of silvicultural treatment | No treatment has been carried out under current FMP. Cost of silviculture will be budget after treatment areas have been identified following stocking analysis and UAV aerial photo interpretations. | |
| | Cost of road maintenance per km | Cost of road maintenance will be determined after harvesting operations have resumed. Data from previous road maintenance in harvesting areas (before year 2000) are no longer available. | |